Here is a list of requirements to run and successfully use bmlSUP.
- Basic experience creating and opening Unity projects.
- Unity 2020.1 or later.
- TextMeshPro 3.0.0 or later.
- Highly Recommended: JetBrains Rider IDE
- Free for academic use.
- Similar functionality to Visual Studio.
- Has a beautiful interface.
- Is highly optimized for Unity development.
Prepare a project:
- Create a new Unity Project
- Make sure you are targeting .NET 4.x in the Project Settings > Player > Other
- Make sure you have TextMeshPro version 3.0.0 or later installed.
- Go to Window > Package Manager, and look for TextMeshPro in the list, and install it.
- Important: Make sure TextMeshPro Essentials are imported BEFORE you continue.
- Go to Window > TextMeshPro > Import Essentials. Doing this after installing bmlTUX can cause display issues.
Install the package
There are two ways to install packages in unity: Through a package registry or as a folder. Installing through a registry is preferred since it is less error-prone and will allow for easy future updating using the package manager interface.
Install through a package registry (recommended):
Requires Unity 2020.1 and later.
- Important: Make sure TextMeshPro Essentials are already imported (see above).
- Navigate to Edit > Project Settings, and select the Package Manager tab.
- In the section called Scoped Registries, click the + button to add a new entry. Type in the following information:
Name: BioMotionLab URL: Scope(s): com.biomotionlab.sup
- Then open the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager)
- From the dropdown pick "My Registries". You will see a new entry listed. Install the latest version of bmlSUP.
Future updates will appear in the package manager as a new version number. Just click the update button.
Install as a folder (definitely not recommended).
This installation method has several shortcomings.
- It is more difficult to update to newer versions.
- It pollutes your Assets folder.
- It increases compile time.
- It is much easier to accidentally break things.
This method works with older Unity versions, but bmlSUP is not tested on anything before Unity 2020.1
- On the releases page, download the most recent version.
- Unzip if necessary, then drag it into your project's Assets folder.
- After the import, you should be all set.
To update, delete the folder from assets, and follow the above steps again.